====== Flux de radios ====== A insérer dans vos lecteurs audio :-) ===== "Chiffres" ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | 100 % | | | 102FM | http://102fm.livestreaming.rundev.com:8000/listen.pls | | 4U Classic Rock | http://www.4uradios.com/classicrock.m3u | | 4U Rock N Metal | http://www.4uradios.com/4urocknmetal.m3u | | 48 FM | | | 77 FM | http://www.77fm.net/77FM.m3u | ===== A ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Accent 4 | http://str0.creacast.com:900/listen.pls | | Activ radio | http://activradio.free.fr/www/m3u/activadsl.m3u | | Addict Radio Alternative | http://www.addictradio.net/extern/pl/alternative/hdlinuxpedia.m3u | | Addict Radio Lounge | http://www.addictradio.net/extern/pl/lounge/hdlinuxpedia.m3u | | Addict Radio Rock | http://www.addictradio.net/extern/pl/rock/hdlinuxpedia.m3u | | Addict Radio Star | http://www.addictradio.net/extern/pl/star/hdlinuxpedia.m3u | | Ado FM | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/start-adofm-high.mp3.m3u | | Afdsradio | https://cheetah.streemlion.com:3565/stream | | Air Connect | http://stream.airconnectradio.com/ac192.mp3 | | Alouette | http://www.alouette.fr/alouette.m3u | | Alternantes | http://www.alternantesfm.net/alternantes_mp3.m3u | | Alpes 1 | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/alpes1gap-high.mp3 | | Altermusica | | | Ange Radio | http://players.creacast.com/creacast/ange_radio/playlist.pls | | ARL | | | Atlantis FM | http://www.radioatlantis.fr:8000/listen.pls | | AtineaNaturejazz | http://listen.radionomy.com/atinea-nature | | Aufilduson80s | http://cheetah.streemlion.com:1100/;?type=http&nocache=1685006617 | | AlwaDj Radio | http://www.radionomy.com/fr/radio/alwadj/listen | | AlwaDj Radio | http://listen.radionomy.com/alwadj.m3u | | AlwaDj Radio | http://alwadj.jimdo.com/?logout=1 | | Aufilduson | https://www.afdsradio.online/| ===== B ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | BBC Radio 1 | http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r1.asx | | BBC Radio 1 | http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r1_aaclca.pls | | BBC World Service | http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/meta/tx/nb/live/eneuk.pls | | Be.radio | http://www.beradio.net/radio/beradio.m3u | | Beaub Fm | | | Ben Ben Radio | http://benbenradio2.free.fr/benbenradio2.m3u | | BestRadio | http://www.best-radio.net/streams/64.m3u | | BFM | http://viphttpplayers.yacast.net/V4/bfm/bfm.m3u | | Bide et Musique | http://www.bide-et-musique.com/playlist-hq.m3u | | Booster FM | http://www.boosterfm.net/live/listen.m3u | | Booster FM - 80 | http://www.boosterfm.net/liveb80/listenb80.m3u | | BSB 100% Electro | http://listen.radionomy.com/bsb31.m3u | | BSB 100% Hits des Clubs | http://listen.radionomy.com/bsbradio.m3u | ===== C ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | C9 Radio | http://streaming.c9radio.eu/listen.m3u | | CambosFM | http://radio-cambos.hopto.org:9000/listen.pls | | Canal7 | http://www.canal7.net/canal7.m3u | | Canal Academie | http://www.canalacademie.com/squelettes/canalacademie_haut_debit.m3u | | Canal B | http://stream.levillage.org/canalb.m3u | | Capytol | http://live140.impek.com:8020 | | Catalogne Nord | | | Chante France | http://stream.chantefrance.com/stream_chante_france.mp3 | | Chemins de la Connaissance | | | Cherie FM | | | Cherie FM @ Work | | | Cherie FM by A. Manoukian | | | Cherie FM Cinema | | | Cherie FM Crooners | | | Cherie FM Dolce Vita | | | Cherie FM Duos | | | Cherie FM Frenchy | | | Cherie FM Gold | | | Cherie FM Love Songs | | | Cherie FM Sade | | | Cherie FM Zen | | | Chic Radio | http://stream.chicradio.be:8002/listen.pls | | Click'N'Rock | http://240plan.ovh.net/~clicknro/_www/www/dwd/player/hautdebit_winamp.m3u | | Clube Brazil | http://www.clubebrasil.fr/wmphq.m3u | | Cocktail FM | | | Collines FM | | | Contact (128k) | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/radio-contact-high.mp3 | | Contact (192k gratuit) | | | Contact Story | | | Couleur 3 | | | Cristal FM | http://cristalsite.no-ip.biz/default.m3u | ===== D ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Demoiselle FM | | | Difé Radio | http://www.bien-glace.com/light/choixradio/dife.m3u | | Direct FM | | | Discoid | | | Divergence FM | http://divergence-fm.org:8008/divergence.mp3.m3u | ===== E ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | ECN | | | EFM | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/radioefm-high.mp3.pls | | Electra Radio | http://www.electraradio.com/stream/Electra-MD.m3u | | ElectrO-Ice | http://electro-ice.com/playeur/winamp.m3u | | electrOne | http://www.electrone.net/pls/electrone.pls | | Endoctrasia | http://www.endoctrasia.com/archives/live/ENDOCTRASIA.m3u | | Enjoy Station | http://www.enjoystation.net/player/mp3.m3u | | EspryRadio | http://onestream.group-network.net:8006/listen.pls | | Europe 1 | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/europe1.m3u | | Europe 1 | [[mms://vip8.yacast.fr/encodereurope1/]] | | Europe 1 Sport | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/europe1sport.m3u | | Evasion | | | Eko des Garrigues 256k | | | Eko des Garrigues 128k | | | Eko des Garrigues 48k | | | Eko des Garrigues 16k | | ===== F ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Febradio | http://febradio.vestaradio.com/listen.m3u | | FG America | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fg6.pls | | FG Chic | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fgc.pls | | FG Dance | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fgd.pls | | FG DJ Radio | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fg.pls | | FG Underground | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fgu.pls | | FG Vintage | http://www.radiofg.com/streams/fgv.pls | | FIP | | | FIP | [[mms://vipradiofrance.yacast.net/encoderfip]] | | Flash FM | http://live140.impek.com:8000/listen.pls | | FMC Radio | http://www.fmcradio.info/module/radio/fmc_haut_debit.m3u | | France 80 | http://listen.radionomy.com/france80.m3u | | France Bleu Alsace | | | France Bleu Armorique | | | France Bleu Auxerre | | | France Bleu Azur | | | France Bleu Basse-Normandie | | | France Bleu Belfort | | | France Bleu Berry | | | France Bleu Besançon | | | France Bleu Béarn | | | France Bleu Bourgogne | | | France Bleu Breiz Izel | | | France Bleu Champagne | | | France Bleu Cotentin | | | France Bleu Creuse | | | France Bleu Drôme Ardèche | | | France Bleu Frequenza Mora | | | France Bleu Gard Lozère | | | France Bleu Gascogne | | | France Bleu Gironde | | | France Bleu Haute-Normandie | | | France Bleu Hérault | | | France Bleu Île de France | | | France Bleu Isère | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/fbisere/fbisere_midfi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Bleu La Rochelle | | | France Bleu Limousin | | | France Bleu Loire Océan | | | France Bleu Lorraine Nord | | | France Bleu Mayenne | | | France Bleu Nord | | | France Bleu Orléans | | | France Bleu Paris\\ France Bleu 107.1 | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/fb1071/fb1071_hifi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Bleu Pays Basque | | | France Bleu Pays d'Auvergne | | | France Bleu Pays de Savoie | | | France Bleu Périgord | | | France Bleu Picardie | | | France Bleu Poitou | | | France Bleu Provence | | | France Bleu Roussillon | | | France Bleu Sud Lorraine | | | France Bleu Tourraine | | | France Bleu Vaucluse | | | France Culture | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/franceculture_hifi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Info | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/franceinfo/franceinfo_hifi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Inter | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/franceinter_hifi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Musiques | https://stream.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/francemusique_hifi.m3u8?id=radiofrance | | France Vivace | | | Fréquence 3 | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3-128.mp3 | | Fréquence 3 Touraine | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3-fm37.mp3 | | Fréquence 3 DANCE | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3dance.mp3 | | Fréquence 3 GOLD | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3gold.mp3 | | Fréquence 3 WORLD | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3world.mp3 | | Fréquence 3 URBAN | https://frequence3.net-radio.fr/frequence3urban-128.mp3 | | Fréquence Banane | http://www.frequencebanane.ch/fb_128.m3u | | Fréquence K | http://www.frequencek.com/stream/FrequenceK.m3u | | Frequence Plus | | | Frequence Sud | | | Frequence Terre | http://players.creacast.com/creacast/f_terre/playlist.m3u | | Fun Radio | http://icecast.funradio.fr/fun-1-44-128\\ http://streamer-03.rtl.fr/fun-1-44-128 | | Fusion FM | http://www.fusionsurlenet.com/ecouterfusionfm/fusion-fm.m3u | | Fusion FM Dance | http://listen.radionomy.com/fusion-fm-dance.m3u | | Fusion FM Pop Rock | http://listen.radionomy.com/fusion-fm-pop-rock.m3u | | Futuradio - Dance | http://ns1.futuradios.net/dance-thd.m3u | | Futuradio - Hit & Rock | http://ns1.futuradios.net/futuradios-thd.m3u | | Futuradio - Sweet | http://ns1.futuradios.net/sweet-thd.m3u | ===== G ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Génération Disco Funk | http://www.generationdiscofunk.com/v3/pls/stream02/hd.m3u | | Génération Do | http://listen.radionomy.com/generation-do.m3u | | Génération-FM | http://stream.generation-fm.com/generationfm-128.mp3 | | GénérationsFM | | | Graffiti Urban Radio | http://www.urban-radio.com/128.m3u | | Graph'Hit | http://ghstreaming.utc.fr/playlists/grafhit.mp3.m3u | ===== H ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Happy FM | | | Hit-Generation -100% Club | http://www.hit-generation.fm/playlist/itunes-club.m3u | | Hit-Génération - 100% Hits| http://www.hit-generation.fr/playlist/itunes-hits.m3u | | Hit-Génération - 100% Rock | http://www.hit-generation.fr/playlist/itunes-rock.m3u | | HotFresh | http://www.hotfresh.fr/hotfreshwinamp.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio 80 | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/hotmix80.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio 90 | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/hotmix90.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio 100% Hits | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/hotmixHIT.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio Funky | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/funky.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio House | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/hotmix.m3u | | Hot Mix Radio Rock & Pop | http://www.hotmixradio.fr/stream/hotmixrock.m3u | | House Nation Radio | http://srv9.votreradio.com:8006/listen.pls | ===== I ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Ici et Maintenant | http://radio.rim952.fr:8001/stream.ogg http://radio.rim952.fr:8000/stream.mp3 http://radio.rim952.fr:8002/stream3.mp3 (bas débit) | | idFM 98.0 | | | Imagine La Webradio | http://www.imaginelawebradio.com/stream/Imagine-128kbps.pls | | Imixx | http://relay1.imixx.fr:8170/listen.pls | | Impact FM | | | Info Concert Radio | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/infoconcert-high.mp3.pls | | Info Concert Alternative live | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/infoconcert-alternative-high.mp3.pls | | Info Concert Franco Live | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/infoconcert-francolive-high.mp3.pls | | Info Concert Memory Live | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/infoconcert-memorylive-high.mp3.pls | ===== J ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Jazz Radio | http://www.jazzradio.fr/frequencejazz-high.m3u | | Jeunzradio | http://streaming.radionomy.com:8000/JeunZ-RADIO.m3u | | Jordanne FM | | | Js Dj Radio | http://streaming.radionomy.com:8000/Js-Dj-RaDio.m3u | ===== K ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Kif Cool | http://www.kifradio.com/cool/kifcool256.m3u | | Kif Radio | http://www.kifradio.com/www.kifradio.com.m3u | | Kif Rock | http://www.kifradio.com/kifusa.m3u | | Kiss FM | | | Kiss FM Dance | | ===== L ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | La Grosse Radio (Rock) | http://www.lagrosseradio.com/son/stream/192.m3u | | La Radio de sebb | http://www.laradiodesebb.com/stream/laradiodesebb.m3u | | Lazer 80 | http://stream3.group-network.net:9066/listen.m3u | | Ledjam Radio | http://www.ledjamradio.com/sound | | Le mouv' | | | Le mouv' | [[mms://vipradiofrance.yacast.net/encoderlemouv]] | | Littoral AM | http://www.streamakaci.com/radios/littoralam.asx | | Littoral FM | | | Live7 | http://srv9.votreradio.com/PLAYERS/player_53.m3u | | Live9 | http://www.Live9.fr/ecoute/192.m3u | | Lyon 1ere | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net:80/lyon1ere-high.mp3 | ===== M ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | M2 80 | est devenu Fréquence 3 GOLD | | M2 90 | est devenu Fréquence 3 GOLD | | M2 CALIENTE | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | M2 CHILLOUT | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | M2 CLASSIC | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | M2 CLUB | est devenu Fréquence 3 DANCE | | M2 FUNK | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | M2 HIP-HOP | est devenu Fréquence 3 URBAN | | M2 HIT | est devenu Fréquence 3 DANCE | | M2 JAZZ | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | M2 LOVE | est devenu Fréquence 3 GOLD | | M2 ROCK | est devenu Fréquence 3 GOLD | | M2 SUNSHINE | est devenu Fréquence 3 WORLD | | Magic Radio | http://www.magic-radio.net/ogg.m3u | | MARSANARYAS | https://www.marsanaryas.com/radio/MARSANARYAS.m3u | | MAX la radio | | | Maxi 80 | http://www.maxi80.com/ecoute/maxi80.m3u | | Maxi France | https://stream.maxifrance.radio/stream | | | https://stream.maxifrance.radio/stream2| | Maxxhits | http://www.maxxhitsbootlegs.com/listen/high.m3u | | Maxxima | http://www.maxxima.org/v4/radio/maxx_win.m3u | | Maxximum | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/maxximum.m3u | | Méga FM | http://www.streamakaci.com/radios/megafm.m3u | | MIXX Radio | http://www.mixxradio.fr/stream/mixxwinamp128.m3u | | MFM | http://str30.creacast.com/mfm1.m3u | | MFM | [[mms://str1.creacast.com/mfm_stream]] | | MFM Flashback | http://str2.creacast.com:80/mfm5.m3u | | MFM Serenité | http://str2.creacast.com:80/mfm3.m3u | | MFM Sexy | http://str2.creacast.com:80/mfm4.m3u | | MKM Radio | http://www.mkmradio.com/MKMRADIO.m3u | | Music Hitz FM | http://www.musichitzfm.com/listen/winamp-192.m3u | ===== N ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Nostalgie | | | Nostalgie ABBA | | | Nostalgie Best of 60's | | | Nostalgie Best of 70's | | | Nostalgie Best of 80's | | | Nostalgie British & American | | | Nostalgie Chansons Francaises | | | Nostalgie Disco | | | Nostalgie Joe Dassin | | | Nostalgie Queen | | | Nostalgie Rock | | | Nostalgie Rolling Stones | | | Nostalgie Slow | | | Nostalgie Soul | | | Nostalgie Top 100 | | | NRJ | | | NRJ @ Work | | | NRJ by Disney | | | NRJ Clubbin' | | | NRJ Dance | | | NRJ French | | | NRJ Friendly | | | NRJ Girl | | | NRJ Hits | | | NRJ Ibiza | | | NRJ In Bed | | | NRJ iTunes | | | NRJ Lady GaGa | | | NRJ Lounge | | | NRJ Master Mix | | | NRJ Michael Jackson | | | NRJ New York | | | NRJ Next | | | NRJ Nouveautés | | | NRJ Party | | | NRJ Pop | | | NRJ Rap FR | | | NRJ Rap US | | | NRJ Rihanna | | | NRJ RnB | | | NRJ Rock | | | NRJ Running | | | NRJ Shakira | | | NRJ Shop | | | NRJ Soleil | | | NRJ The Black Eyed Peas | | | NRJ Usher | | | NTI | | ===== O ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | ODS Radio | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/ods-high.mp3.pls | | Otaradio | http://srv2.streaming-ingenierie.fr:8160/listen.pls | | Oui FM | http://ouifm.ice.infomaniak.ch/ouifm-high.mp3 | | Oxyradio | http://www.oxyradio.net/listen/oxyradio.pls | ===== P ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | Pacifique FM | http://r15919.ovh.net:9510/listen.pls | | Paris One Club | http://www.paris-one.com/pls/radio.pls | | Paris One Reserve | http://www.paris-one.com/pls/radio_v6.pls | | Paris One Deeper | http://www.paris-one.com/pls/radio_deeper.pls | | Paris One Trance | http://www.paris-one.com/pls/radio_trance.pls | | Paris One Dance | http://www.paris-one.com/pls/radio_dance.pls | | Puls Radio | http://www.pulsradio.com/pls/puls-adsl.m3u | | Puls Radio Version 8.0 | http://www.pulsradio.com/pls/pulsV80-adsl.m3u | | Puls Radio Version 9.0 | http://www.pulsradio.com/pls/pulsV90-adsl.m3u | | Puls Radio Version Trance | http://www.pulsradio.com/pls/pulstrance-adsl.m3u | ===== R ===== ^ Nom de la radio ^ URL ^ | R'Courchevel | http://www.laradiostation.fr:8888/listen.pls | | Radio 666 | http://www.radio666.com/ecouter/radio666.pls | | Radio activ' 101.9 | http://www.radio-activ.com:8000/listen.mp3 | | Radio Aléo | http://srv13.votreradio.com/PLAYERS/player_344.m3u | | Radio Alpine Meilleure | | | Radio Belle Vue | http://www.radiobellevue.fr/rbv.asx ou http://www.radiobellevue.fr:8000/hd | | Radio Béton !| | | Radio Blagon - Ambiance Cool | http://www.webradio-fr.info/Playlist_Webradio/RadioBlagonAmbianceCool.m3u | | Radio Blagon - Festif Etrange | http://www.webradio-fr.info/Playlist_Webradio/RadioBlagonFestifEtrange.m3u | | Radio Blagon - Reggae des Iles | http://www.webradio-fr.info/Playlist_Webradio/RadioBlagonReggaeIles.m3u | | Radio Blagon - Rock Francais | http://www.webradio-fr.info/Playlist_Webradio/RadioBlagonRockFrancais.m3u | | Radio Blagon - Scene Francaise | http://www.webradio-fr.info/Playlist_Webradio/RadioBlagonSceneFrancaise.m3u | | Radio Brassens | http://listen.radionomy.com/radiobrassens.m3u | | Radio Bodink | http://www.bodink.org/bodink_mp3.m3u | | Radio Bresse | | | Radio Campus Paris | http://www.radiocampusparis.org/coa/stream_rcp.m3u | | Radio Classique | http://players.creacast.com/creacast/classique/playlist.pls | | Radio Classique Baroque | http://str2.creacast.com:106/listen.pls | | Radio Classique Cinéma | http://str2.creacast.com:94/listen.pls | | Radio Coucou | http://portail.coocoo.free.fr/radio/coucou.pls | | Radio Courtoisie | | | Radio Côte d'Amour | http://www.streamakaci.com/radios/radiocotedamour.m3u | | Radio Dogmazic | http://radio.musique-libre.org:8000/radio_dogmazic.ogg.m3u | | Radio Ellebore | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net:80/ellebore-high.mp3.m3u | | Radio Etudiante Evryone | http://streaming.evryone.com:8000/evryone-low.mp3.m3u | | Radio Flemme | http://str15.streamakaci.com:8014/listen.pls | | Radio FMR | http://giss.tv:8000/fmr.ogg.m3u | | Radio Frequence Metz Dance | http://www.radiodance.fr/lecteurs/2/high.m3u | | Radio Frequence Metz Hits | http://www.frequencewoippy.fr/lecteurs/5/high.m3u | | Radio Frequence Metz Lounge | http://www.radiolounge.fr/lecteurs/4/high.m3u | | Radio Frequence Metz RNB | http://www.radiornb.fr/lecteurs/3/high.m3u | | Radio Frequence Metz Rock | http://www.rockradio.fr/lecteurs/1/high.m3u | | Radio generique80s | http://listen.radionomy.com/radiogenerique80s.m3u | | Radio Grille Ouverte | | | Radio Imagine | | | Radio Intensité | http://radiointensite.free.fr/live128.m3u | | Radio Junior | | | Radio Libertaire | http://ecoutez.radio-libertaire.org:8080/radiolib.m3u | | Radio LSL | http://www.radiolsl.fr/192.m3u | | Radio Métal | http://www.radiometal.fr/rm.m3u | | Radio Mille Pattes | http://broadcast.infomaniak.ch/millepattes-high.mp3.pls | | Radio Neo | http://www.radioneo.org/radio/neo.m3u | | Radio Nova | http://broadcast.infomaniak.net/radionova-high.mp3.m3u | | Radio Phénix | http://www.radio-phenix.unicaen.fr:8000/radiophenix_mid.mp3 | | Radio Pulsar | | | Radio RDL | | | Radio RDM | | | Radio Scoop annee 80 | http://web4.radioscoop.com/scoop1.mp3.m3u | | Radio Scoop Box Vintage | http://web4.radioscoop.com/scoop3.mp3.m3u | | Radio Scoop Music Pod | http://web4.radioscoop.com/scoop2.mp3.m3u | | Radio Sing Sing | http://www.sing-sing.org/confort2.pls | | Radio TeenTall | http://www.radioteentaal.com/masala128.m3u | | Radio Top Side | | | Radio Vallespir 66 | http://srv6.streaming-ingenierie.fr:8030/listen.pls | | Radio Vitamine | http://str2.creacast.com/vitamine.m3u | | RBI FM | | | RCI Guadeloupe | http://gp.rci.fm/player/gp.m3u | | RCI Martinique | http://mq.rci.fm/player/mq.m3u | | RDM - Lorraine | | | R.E.N | http://listen.radionomy.com/ren.m3u | | RFI | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfi.m3u | | RFI | [[mms://a1234.l663344172.c6633.e.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1234/6633/666/reflector:44172]] | | RFM | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm | | RFM Collector | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio06 | | RFM Music France | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio03 | | RFM New Wave 80 | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio04 | | RFM Night Fever | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio02 | | RFM Nouveautés | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio01 | | RFM Party 80 | http://vipicecast.yacast.net/rfm_webradio05 | | RFO Guadeloupe | | | RFO Martinique | | | Rires & Chansons | | | Rires & Chansons 100% Blagues | | | Rires & Chansons 100% Eternel | | | Rires & Chansons 100% Live | | | Rires & Chansons 100% Nouveaux talents | | | Rires & Chansons 100% Sketches | |